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Brand Bible

What is it?

A brand bible starts out as a very simple document that helps you (and your growing team) to create and establish consistency for your startup’s physical appearance and tone of voice, both on & offline.

Your initial band bible will state your startup’s:

  1. Name
  2. Fascination score
  3. Archetype
  4. Colors
  5. Fonts
  6. Logo

Over time your brand bible will grow into a rather large document through which your lawyer and CMO agree on clear guidelines for all wording and imagery used in public communications. For now, you can start with the brand bible that has been designed and embedded below.

If you need help, our masterclass on Branding was designed for you.

Take Action:

Fill in the document below to complete the first / latest edition of your company’s brand bible.

What should I do if I know nothing about branding?

I created a course that walks you through the bare essentials of what you need to know and do now to establish the MVP version of your brand’s identity. Learn more about the course here.

Hey [usermeta field=”first_name”],

Are you getting all of the emails that you wanted? You can edit them here at anytime:

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