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This is why you need a short company name

The power of a short name

If you look at the world’s top brands, you can see a trend in brand names: none exceed three syllables and are often words that are already in our vocabulary like apple or Amazon. 

The Speak-Easy Effect refers to cognitive fluency … the easier something is to read, the less risky it seems and the better it will resonate with your customers.

https://blog.crobox.com/article/psychological-marketing-examples 28 September 2020

We live in a digital age where choosing a new company name is no longer a quick & easy choice. There are more than 300 million companies on this planet and if you take your idea for a “perfect company name” over to NameChk.com, you will most likely find that it is not available across all of the platforms. In this instance, what should you do? Follow the three steps below…

  1. If you have never named a company before, start with watching the 5 minute video below.

2. Next, Use an app like https://namelix.com/ or https://businessnamegenerator.com/ to generate a list of short, brand-able business names.

3. Bring this list back over to Namechk to find one that has the most platforms available. Once you’ve found one, quickly grab ALL of the relevant URLs & usernames on those platforms.


When I was in college I had a buddy who would squat on domain names and social media usernames to make money. Yes, this is one of the many ways that others make money by becoming your startup’s next obnoxious obstacle. To avoid this obstacle, grab your domain from NameCheap.com or BlueHost.com the second you find a good one, then run around to get all of the social handles. Block off an hour to do all of this in ONE sitting, you won’t regret it.


  1. To generate a short, brand-able business names using artificial intelligence checkout https://namelix.com/ or https://businessnamegenerator.com/
  2. To check if & where that name is available go to https://namechk.com/
  3. To buy your domain head over to NameCheap.com (if you’re tech savvy) or BlueHost.com (if you are not tech savvy).

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