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How to choose the right company colors

The “magical ratio” is 60 – 30 -10

If you’re sitting at your desk with your jaw dropped to the floor right now because you just realized that rapid startup growth is an obscenely calculated science: from the color ratios, to the ever changing social media algorithmic rules, you’re not alone. It took a decade for me to learn all of this, and now you might have a better understanding of why people are willing to pay $1500 an hour to learn just what they need to hit their next goal. If you want the same help so you can focus on running your business, while my team & I make sure the thousands of tiny boxes are checked to prime for your rapid growth, click here to learn more about working with MD9.

If you’d rather DIY, let’s get back to the riveting discussion of company colors. 60% of your color scheme should be a neutral color like #f3f3f3 or #ffffff (if you don’t know what those mean open this link & drop those hexadecimal codes in), 30% should be your brand’s main color (checkout this Pinterest board to find the easiest color to help you quickly build trust within your industry) and 10% should be your highlight color (the color you use on your buttons).

If you are looking for a few tools to help with your next color choosing project, these are a few of my favorites: To start, I recommend checking out the Pantone Color Intelligence Trend Reports to see the trends for this past year (yes, this is a growth hack that can slash your customer acquisition costs). Next, I suggest browsing palettes that contain the recently trending colors at one of these sites: Coolors, Material PaletteLOL PalettesUI GradientsColor Hunt Palettes & https://flatuicolors.com/. Then, play with individual colors using Coolors, Paletton & 0 to 255. If you get totally stuck & this guide on The 5 Keys to Creating a Captivating Brand, does not answer your questions, tune into our next live Q&A session on YouTube.

Helper Tools:

If you are looking for a few tools to help with your next color selection endeavor, these are a few of my favorites:

  1. To start, I recommend checking out the Pantone Color Intelligence Trend Reports to see the trends for this past year (yes, this is a growth hack that can slash your customer acquisition costs).
  2. Next, I suggest browsing palettes that contain the recently trending colors at one of these sites: CoolorsMaterial PaletteLOL PalettesUI GradientsColor Hunt Palettes & https://flatuicolors.com/.
  3. Then, play with individual colors using CoolorsPaletton & 0 to 255. If you get totally stuck & Molo9 can help.

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