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How to choose the right logo

There are countless opinions on what constitutes the perfect logo design. As someone who looks for the path to the fastest growth, I don’t really like to spend loads of time building brand awareness and trust for an elaborate design, when I can choose a design that follows this strange list of tricks that make people trust a new brand faster:

  1. As I mention in “How to choose the right company colors“, your “30-color” should be in the same arena as the rest of the companies in your industry. Checkout my Pinterest board on the Psychology of colors for help.
  2. Choose an animal, simple or symmetrical logo. For whatever reason, we humans, trust these logos faster.



  1. If you want a pro to design your logo for you, I like this company because they save you loads of time designing the logo, business cards & all business related stationary.
  2. The budget friendly place to look for a logo is on Fiverr.

Apps to help you DIY:

  2. Wix (this is the one I use most often)
  3. BrandMark
  4. Canva

PS: this company has an option to include your first batch of business cards with their designs.

Place it on business cards

The Logo Company has the great bundled offer I mentioned earlier, they will design your logo and business stationary all for you.

But if you are committed to designing your own business cards, Envato Elements (my favorite design & plugin platform), has a few hundred templates to help you get started. If you’d like to browse a mood board before you decide, checkout this Pinterest board.

Regardless of who designs your cards, this list of general rules should be followed:

  1. The logo NEEDS to be on the cards
  2. If the target market is over the age of 50, the font should NOT be smaller than 20px and the colors are light & neutral (this rule doesn’t apply when targeting a younger demographic).
  3. If you want people to connect on LinkedIn or perform some other action, drop a QR code onto the back of the business cards.

Hey [usermeta field=”first_name”],

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