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The MOST INCREDIBLE Startup Book Club Starts Monday REGISTER ASAP

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Links mentioned in this session:

  1. The best type of growth hack is something called Guerrilla Marketing, it is explained here
  2. The second best is word-of mouth. If you’re an early stage startup, start with a high paying affiliate program
  3. The next best growth hack, in my opinion revolves around social media algorithms. What I like to do is look at the age of a platform to determine when it is best to jump in…. Here is why: 
  1. Simple tricks that lead to growth-hack-like traction:
    1. Referral points for social media follows
    2. Launch a temporarily high paying affiliate program 
    3. Create invite only events to collect happy reviews
    4. A few more listed over here
  2. Which platform do you think is easiest to grow on right now? LinkedIn, here is how.
  3. Here are a few tricks to get more out of your social media ads. 
  4. If you enjoyed this session could you please smash the thumbs up button? It really does help with the YouTube algorithm.
  5. Join our facebook group over here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/molo9 and our telegram channel over here: https://t.me/Molo9tm 

Never miss another workshop, AMA or live Q&A. Click the button below to subscribe.

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