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The MOST INCREDIBLE Startup Book Club Starts Monday REGISTER ASAP

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0:00 intro & resource access

Molo9™ members access the Lead Magnet Worksheet that accompanies today’s workshop over here: https://molo9.co/brainstorm-with-molo9/lead-magnet-worksheet/ 

Non-Molo9™ members can purchase the Lead Magnet Worksheet over here: https://molo9.co/resources/ 

1:43 Announcements & disclaimers

2:46 Information about the new Molo9™ FREE account which offers limited access. 

4:31 Who am I? 

Here are a few of the other companies & brands that I own:





6:51 What is Molo9™ & how do we structure our content

8:10 About the Molo9™ Lead Magnet Worksheet – who should use this

9:37 How often should you refresh / swap out the lead magnet that you offer on your website? 

10:28 Choose one of these five goals for your lead magnet

13:54 Where in the funnel do you expect the reader of the lead magnet to be?  


16:42 What type of lead magnet will your ideal customer find exciting & also meet your goal?

19:29 How will your lead magnet be delivered to the end user? 

– This is how to do it to also improve your SEO. 

– DO NOT email them a PDF.

– DO NOT give them a lengthy resource list. 

24:59 What are conversion copywriting formulas & how should you use them to increase conversions amongst those who read your lead magnet.  

This is a list of 27 of the conversion copywriting formulas https://buffer.com/resources/copywriting-formulas/ 


29:03 Include psychological triggers in your lead magnet, Molo9™ premium users can have this filtered for them here: https://molo9.co/molo9-recs-silver-bullets/   Non-Molo9™ users can Google “Psychological Triggers + Marketing” to see a list of potential solutions. 

31:03 Closing remarks & announcements

CORRECTION: In this video I state that moving forward these weekly sessions will take place on Thursdays at 11 AM EST & the Google Meet will follow at 1 PM. After the final votes came in, we have decided to have future sessions take place on Fridays at Noon EST (NYC time) with the group sessions taking place at 1PM EST (NYC time).

Never miss another workshop, AMA or live Q&A. Click the button below to subscribe.

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