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The MOST INCREDIBLE Startup Book Club Starts Monday REGISTER ASAP

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0:00 Trying to figure out how to use Switchboard

3:14 Summary of what we will discuss today & how to access to resources that we will discuss today

Molo9™ members: https://molo9.co/brainstorm-with-molo9/

Non-members: https://molo9.co/resources/ 

1 day trial: molo9.co/my-account/membership-checkout/?level=9 

6:15 Announcements, disclaimers & who I am

11:22 How can a content brief drastically improve the final outcome of your content?

15:23 This is how to use the content briefs to meet your goals faster & to protect you in the case where you hire a freelance copywriter

Molo9™ members: https://molo9.co/brainstorm-with-molo9/

Non-members: https://molo9.co/resources/ 

18:53 Walkthrough the one page content brief

21:05 Walkthrough the lead magnet checklist & how to fill it in. 

Here are your silver bullets https://molo9.co/molo9-recs-silver-bullets/

23:40 This is how I fill in the checklist. What is the difference between an SQL & MQL and why does it matter? 

27:15 Which type of lead magnet should you use & why

28:18 Side-tracked to talk about how to use audio-bonuses to collect more data on your readers / viewers. Example: https://www.amazon.com/Start-Zero-Business-Experience-Freedom/dp/1950367185 

30:28 How to deliver your lead magnet. AVOID THIS ROOKIE MOVE

31:57 Copywriting formulas & silver bullets in a lead magnet

34:00 The Lead Magnet Workbook – this is how I create a lead magnet start to finish 

Molo9™ members: https://molo9.co/brainstorm-with-molo9/how-to-create-a-high-converting-lead-magnet/

Non-Molo9™ members: https://molo9.co/resources/how-to-create-a-high-converting-lead-magnet/ 

37:38 This is how to setup your new projects in the project management portal 

44:06 Final questions & a rant about 100 page documents

Never miss another workshop, AMA or live Q&A. Click the button below to subscribe.

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