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Here are three easy up-sells you can add as *optional, at the end of your next project proposal (without drastically increasing your workload):

  1. Weekly sales & marketing team meetings. Keep these short & easy: discuss the marketing offers that are active & about to launch so that the sales team can be on the same page. Have the sales team share recordings from conversations with their happiest & angriest customers so that the marketing team can replicate wins and come up with solutions for the losses.
  2. A monthly “opportunities” report. You’re studying your client’s competitor, but have you thought of packaging what you find into an “Opportunities to swipe & deploy” monthly report that you up-sell to them?
  3. Similar to the “opportunities” report, document the best performing social media posts of competitors & present them to your clients at the start of each new month, as a small up-sell.

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