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Retargeting your website visitors with paid ads

What is it?

Retargeting enables you to remind your customers of your products and services after they leave your website without buying. It allows you to show your visitors relevant ads when they visit other sites. Retargeting works with apps and search as well as website banner ads. Serious marketers today use retargeting as a vital tool to connect with their customers and increase their sales.


This tactic leverages the underlying psychological principles of influence called the Mere Exposure Effect. The easiest way to leverage the Mere Exposure effect is by retargeting website visitors with digital paid ads. The retargeting process, depicted below, can be used to collect brand impressions rapidly amongst your website visitors who did not convert.

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A few examples of ads I’ve seen after visiting a company’s website

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Need some more ad inspiration? Check these out:

  1. MD9’s Ad Campaign Mood Boards
  2. Facebook Ads Library

Take action:

Google, Facebook & countless other tech companies have various methods through which they enable you to easily retarget website visitors. If you click here you can see a full list of the current software solutions out there. Each company has a different way of tracking & retargeting, but at a high-level, they all equip you with the ability to run retargeting campaigns that target visitors of specific pages with specific ads.

  1. Select your software solution, I like AdRoll.
  2. Set your re-targeting parameters, if your software of choice allows you to aim to retarget website visitors who share qualities similar to your happiest customers, DO IT!
  3. Use SpyFu & Facebook Ads Library to see what’s working best for your competitors, adjust their best ads to fit your brand and then hit publish.
  4. If you can set your retargeting window I would start retargeting 24 hours after they visited your site if you’re B2C and 1.5 hours after their first visit if you are in the B2B space.

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