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How to find the best keywords for PPC

A Note For Early Release Readers

The status of this content is Early Release. With Early Release content, you access the earliest form- of the authors’ raw & slightly or entirely unedited content as it is written-so you can take advantage of the knowledge and technologies long before the official release of these titles. *If you have comments about how we might improve the content and/or wish to contribute your own company’s materials as examples to be added to a specific piece of content, or if you notice missing material within a piece of content, please let us know here.

None of the information covered in here is to be interpreted as the only way to pursue an objective. Here I simply share the frameworks, parameters & guidelines I use to pursue and successfully reach various objectives.

If you watched my interview with BluHorn TV you may have heard the host ask the question, “What are your favorite marketing tools?” To which I responded that, aside from Molo9 and the other custom automations we have created “in-house”, my favorite marketing tool is spyFu

The reason for this is very easy: they make it simple to quickly find all of the search engine optimization and search engine marketing data on your competitors and large brands that we all would love to emulate.
Below is a free tutorial by spyFu, that shows you exactly how to find the best PPC keywords in less than 10 minutes. If you still have questions after you watch this quick tutorial feel free to contact us here and we would be happy to add more to this guide.

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