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Together We Are Going to Write an EPIC Book


Let’s Write a Chapter

Chapter Introduction

Break your book up into 3-4 core themes.

Start Here

Section Beginning

What will you cover in each chapter?

Start Now

Section Ending

Which projects will the reader complete in each chapter?

Start Now

Chapter Ending

What new skills will a reader have by the end of the chapter?

Start Now

Let’s Write a Chapter


Chapter Introduction


_________ is _________. According to _______ it is _______. However, for ______, it is ________. This is why we need _______.


In this chapter we will learn about ________, why ______ and how you can use this newfound knowledge to achieve _______.

We will also ______ and _______. We will look at _________ which all can lead to higher quality______.

By the end of this chapter, you will understand ______ and know how to use _____ to ______. You will also understand how _______, making it easier to ________.

In this chapter we are going to cover the following main topics:

  • a
  • b
  • c


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Hero: How does the information in this chapter help the reader to be a hero? How does it help your reader to do their job better / faster / easier?

Deliverables: What will the reader know how to do by the end of this chapter?

Journey: What will the reader learn that will give them the ability to follow your process with confidence?

Sound Bites


Let’s Write Section One


Section One


Title: Tools / Resources / Prerequisites / Technical Requirements

_________ is very easy and does not require _____.

While paid tools tend to add exponentially more value, we have included free alternatives to make the content of this book available to you without any limitations.

  • Premium tool (FREE alternative)
  • Premium tool (FREE alternative)
  • Premium tool (FREE alternative)


If you have created a free template, worksheet or cheatsheet to accompany your chapter, this is where you should share the link for people to download it.

If the reader will need a particular app or software, this is the section where you tell them how to access or download it.


Sound bites




Let’s Write Section Two


Section Two


Title: Setting up …. [insert the name of the project / tool] 

It is important to (set up / print / download) [insert tool name] ______ now because we will be using it for (the rest of the chapter / this next project / the rest of the book). [Insert tool name] will allow us to ________, which [insert reason it is important to their career / project success] ______.


Whatever resource you mentioned above, now have them download / print / open it.

Sound bites




Let’s Add Another Section


Section Beginning


[Insert name of new concept or project], is also known as [insert other names and titles, so that readers who know this concept by another name, can quickly be on the same page]; [insert explanation of the concept or project for those who do not know what it is] _______ is based on _______. [Insert name of concept or project] ________ was specifically designed to equip [insert the title of the group of professionals who use this concept, tool or project]__________ to [insert use cases & real-world applications] _________.



Each section of your book should teach the reader how to do something new.

Will this section teach them how to use a new tool?

Will this section teach them how to complete a new project or create a new type of report?

What will this section teach them & why does it matter?

How will this knowledge help them? What will they be able to do after they read this section?

Consider Adding: 

  • Images
  • Diagrams
  • Charts
  • Tables
  • Numbered lists
  • Bullet points
  • Worksheets with blanks and boxes

Sound bites




Let’s Segway to the Next Section


Section Ending


Now that you know how to (do / use / create / complete) [insert what they just learned how to do] _________ we are ready to (discuss / learn / create / do) [insert what they are about to learn]. [insert next topic] _______ has helped [insert companies that have used the concept, strategy or tool] ________ to achieve [insert achievement] _________.


Tell them how what they just learned will help them achieve the next “thing” they are going to learn.

Use words and phrases that get them excited to build upon what they just learned.

Sound bites




The Final Three Sections

When you finish adding all of your sections to the chapter, how should you wrap up the chapter? We are now going to walk through how to close each chapter.


Chapter Ending

Part 1 – The Summary

Template (Option 1)

In this chapter we (installed / set up / created / built / developed) [INSERT what the reader achieved in the chapter], to put our newfound knowledge of ______ into practice.

You learned about the profound power of [INSERT concept] by using [INSERT project or tool] to achieve [INSERT outcome or deliverable].

In the next chapter, [INSERT chapter title], we will use our newly (found knowledge / developed skills / built project) to [INSERT what you will achieve in the next chapter]. You will learn step-by-step how to (install and configure / develop / build) [INSERT project / deliverable / outcome). We will take a deep dive into the best practices and how [INSERT concept] fits into the big picture.


  1. 888 “What has the reader learned in the chapter?
  2. 888 “Why are these lessons important to the reader?
  3. 888 “What will the reader learn in the next chapter?

Sound bites




The Final Three Sections


Chapter Ending

Part 2 – The FAQ



  1. What _____ allows you to save and share _____?
  2. What is a ______?
  3. When should ___________?
  4. What is the fastest way to _______?
  5. What is the _______?


You can use the questions section to reinforce what they’ve learned, or to help the reader prepare for an exam that they will have in the work place.

You can also use questions to guide them on what they should lookup next, if they’d like to dive deeper into the topic.

Sound bites




The Final Three Sections


Chapter Ending

Part 3 – Further Reading



  1. [INSERT book title] by [INSERT book author]
  2. [INSERT book title] by [INSERT book author]
  3. [INSERT book title] by [INSERT book author]


  1. [INSERT article title] by [INSERT article author]
  2. [INSERT article title] by [INSERT article author]
  3. [INSERT article title] by [INSERT article author]


  1. [INSERT URL title] : [INSERT URL]
  2. [INSERT URL title] : [INSERT URL]
  3. [INSERT URL title] : [INSERT URL]


This is hands down my favorite section to read in a book. When I spent one year reading one new marketing book each week & the next year reading one new psychology book per week, I started with the “top ten” on Amazon & then moved on to the books recommended by the authors in each of those books.

Sound bites




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