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About our Program

Our program is led by one of the world’s leading growth hackers. Since 2009 Adi Soozin has helped businesses around the world to achieve remarkable success. This fall we are launching a program that gives you access to the same tools, resources, playbooks and advice that has been the coveted, secret & sacred information of self-made millionaires around the world for the past decade.

Phase 1:

Idea Validation

Phase 2:

Launch to the Public

Phase 3:

Automate Sales

Phase 4:

Build Your Personal Brand

This is how we help you every step of the way :

Exclusive small-group calls every week throughout the duration of the program.
Media training to ace your podcast interviews.
All resources and recordings stored in one portal.
Ongoing support and networking via topic focused private forums.
Expert support email replies within 3-5 business days.
Founder-Squad match-ups. Founder squads have been monumental to Adi Soozin’s career development, which is she wants to teach you how to join (or create) one (or two, or three).

Phase 1:

Idea Validation

The most common mistake that many entrepreneurs make, is building a business that they HATE to work on and HATE to run.

The second most common mistake that they make, is launching with a finished product that nobody wants to buy.

In this phase, we will take your idea and put it through the Total Founder Freedom Framework, so that the finished product is not only something that customers want to buy, it is also a business that you love to own.

  • Workshops: 4
  • Frequency: one per week
  • Support: E-mail support & access to the exclusive forum that is focused solely on idea validation
  • BONUS: The Ideation Course & The Total Founder Freedom Framework

Phase 2:

Launch to the Public

Acquiring customers is the lifeline of any business. In this phase we will reveal the tactics that have helped countless entrepreneurs secure their first 10-1,000 loyal customers. From building relationships to conversion techniques, this phase ensures your initial success.

  • Workshops: 6
  • Frequency: one per week
  • Support: E-mail support & access to an exclusive forum focused solely on startup launches
  • BONUS: The Launch Course & a myriad of time-tested templates to cold pitch your new product

Phase 3:

Automate Sales

Do you know how to use easy email marketing automations & landing pages to sell your products on auto-pilot?

After the initial, explosive launch you may notice a dip in sales as the excitement of your new offer wears off.

So, how do we get the momentum going again? With two easy steps.

  1. First, we automate your entire sales process, and then
  2. We build up your personal brand to drive more sales.

With these two expertly crafted strategies, your sales turn from sporadic surges into  a consistent and steady flow.

  • Workshops: 4
  • Frequency: one per week
  • Support: E-mail support & access to an exclusive forum focused solely on sales automations
  • BONUS: The Sales Automation Course & a myriad of time-tested templates and schedules

Phase 4:

Build Your Personal Brand

Do you know how to turn a podcast guest appearance into new revenue?

Everyone thinks that they do until they actually try it.

In this phase Adi Soozin teaches you the clear and easy process that took her three years to learn the hard-way.

In a mere four week span you learn how to secure PR opportunities and convert them into sales.

  • Workshops: 4
  • Frequency: one per week
  • Support: E-mail support & access to an exclusive forum focused solely on establishing domain authority
  • BONUS: The Build Your Personal Brand Course & a myriad of time-tested templates

Bonus Phase:

Create Your Next Offer

Some of you will be happy with everything you’ve achieved and leave it at that.

Others will want to take another step.

This bonus phase is for those of you who are eager to create your next offer.

While some founders face an unnecessary battle pushing just one item, we go the winner’s way and ride the momentum to drive massive sales with data-backed product diversification.

Once someone has bought one “thing” off of your website, what is the easiest next step? To sell them something else.

What else can you sell them?

In this final phase you get access to the timeless templates marketers use to figure out what your customers will really buy from you next.

  • Workshops: 4
  • Frequency: one per week
  • Support: E-mail support & access to an exclusive forum focused solely on establishing domain authority


Similar programs cost more than $220,000 how is this one only $10,197?

While competitors (who have achieved LESS than Adi Soozin) demand equity and charge upwards of $220,000 for similar programs, we have poured a profound amount of effort into cutting out all unnecessary fluff so that we could bring this program to you for a mere $10,197.

Additionally, when rookies attempt to launch programs like this, they have to pay an exorbitant amount to bring in experts from the outside; because we already have Adi Soozin & her network of equally high achieving friends here and happy to mentor the next generation, we’ve been able to cut out the most expensive costs.

When will the next cohort start?

Our cohort start dates are scheduled as follows:

  1. October 30, 2023
  2. February 15, 2024
  3. May 13, 2024
  4. September 2024

Can I sign up for just one phase?

Imagine how you’d feel if an entire workshop was hijacked by someone who takes up the entire discussion portion to ask questions that were answered in depth last week.

To keep things fair for those who consistently show up, if someone decides not participate in earlier phases, they cannot join later ones.

Can I do a payment plan?

You can pay a one time fee of $10,197.

If you would prefer, you can do 4 payments of $3,397 :

    • 1st payment is due immediately to hold your spot
    • 2nd payment is due September 15th
    • 3rd payment is due October 15th
    • 4th payment is due November 15th

What does each phase look like?

  1. At the start of each new phase you will be given access to all of the relevant playbooks, templates & tools.
  2. Read through these and bring your questions to the first workshop.
  3. Adi Soozin will host your workshops every week to teach you how to implement the next milestone.
  4. At the end of each workshop there will be time for questions and answers.
  5. To get fast feedback & help as you complete your projects, in addition to the online workshops, you will receive invitations to several topic focused forums.

What about holidays?

We anticipate that this cohort will be broken into two groups, so that each workshop will be hosted twice to accommodate those joining from different time zones.

With that in mind, while every group will take the normal US & Jewish holidays, those with local holidays may also bring these up to the Molo9™ Support Team to see if additional schedule changes can be made.

Let’s make your dreams a reality together!

Don’t miss this life-changing opportunity!

Secure your spot now and embark on a whirlwind adventure that will forever transform your life.

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