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The Humor Effect

What is it?

The Humor Effect is the name given to a psychological tactic used by marketing strategists to influence consumer behavior.

The humor effect is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to remember information better when they perceive that information as humorous.


The humor effect is one of the easiest communication strategies to mess up. If you are not very in tune with your target market and what will get them to laugh, store this silver bullet for a later date.

Examples include:

If you have not personified your brand already, you can learn a few simple tricks to make your brand fascinating, irresistible & easy to remember, over here.

Read more on this topic:

  1. https://www.veriday.com/blog/brand-personification-cx/
  2. https://molo9.co/courses/how-to-make-your-brand-fascinating-irresistible-easy-to-remember/

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