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Collect the favorite ads of your happiest customers

Imagine what paid ad creation would be like if you could view all of the ads that your happiest customers clicked on within the past 90 days.

You actually don’t have to dream about this, because finding this information is relatively easy if you provide the proper incentive (freebie, coupon, vip access to an invite-only event, early access to merchandise, etc).

As I mentioned in the short guide on how to: Create exclusive offers to get happy reviews on 3rd party websites, below are two templates you can emulate to inspire your happy customers to send you the intel you desire.

  1. You can offer premium features for free like switchboard did with their offer here:

2. You can offer attendance to an event like Molo9™ did here:

In this guide I cover five other (low-cost) gifts that companies can use to compel their happy customers to provide the desired intel.

Simply choose one then send an email or share a post like this:

Hello ________,

Would you like a free ____?

We have a current giveaway happening. If you send us 10 of the Instagram ads you’ve interacted with most recently, we will send you a free ____.

It is really easy to find all of the ads you’ve interacted with in the past 90 days, here:

1. Go to your “Settings” in the mobile app

2. Scroll down to click “Ads”

3. Click “Ad Activity”

4. Send your 10 favorite ads to our instagram account, along with your email address (so that we know which email address to send the free gift to).


Adi Soozin

Hey [usermeta field=”first_name”],

Are you getting all of the emails that you wanted? You can edit them here at anytime:

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