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Create exclusive offers to get happy reviews on 3rd party websites

Happy reviews can educate and convert observers into buyers faster and cheaper than all of the other bells & whistles your marketing team has built out.

Three testimonials are great, but 25 happy customer reviews turn into their own customer acquisition channel. When customers highlight what they do and do not like about your product, they help others to determine if your startup offers the right product or solution for them.

This is a very quick & easy one to implement, just scroll down to see how two companies are currently doing this.

Company #1: Switchboard

When you have a software company, you can offer premium features for free like switchboard did with their offer here:

Company #2: Molo9™ 

When you are a thought leader you can copy what we did with Molo9™:

  1. Create an invite only event.
  2. Cap attendance at 25-200 attendees per event.
  3. Set the time and date for the event in stone.
  4. Make access to the event only obtainable after a customer leaves you a 5 star review on Yelp, Google, BBB, Trust Pilot or another review platform.
  5. Take these reviews and use them in your next round of marketing material.

Make it a win-win

Hosting this invite-only event was the perfect way for me to not only get to know our earliest customers, it worked really well to incentivize our early adopters to publish their happy reviews.

This is one of the emails we used to notify Molo9’s™ early adopters that they could get access to a free private group call with yours truly.

Will just one email really get 25 people to leave me a happy review somewhere online?

No, in the case of Molo9™ we did 3 of these invite-only events. Prior to each event we sent out the email reminder viewed above with the subject line “LESS THAN ## HOURS LEFT to gain access to the FREE Molo9™ private group session”.

In addition to this:

  1. For the first 100 customers I set an alert on my phone so I’d get a “high priority” email each time someone made a purchase. If I recognized the email, I would send them a personal message via social media or text saying something like “Hey, I just saw you grabbed a Molo9 subscription. If you enjoy it & leave us a happy review, I’ll add you to a private group session I’m doing next Wednesday at 11 AM EST.”
  2. We manually sent each new customer an email letting them know about this bonus and announced it in the user dashboards.

Is there another way to collect happy reviews?

Yes, you can give away:

  1. Premium features
  2. Bonus products
  3. Discount codes
  4. Free books
  5. Free courses

… you get the gist.

Just make sure that you choose an offer that is free (or at least cheap) and easy for you to give away. 

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