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How to use awards to establish authority

What if your brand needs to establish authority but you do not have a ton of awards? I can tell you from personal experience that most awards are given to a recipient that the award grantor knows personally.

I can also tell you from personal experience that when you flip the tables and decide to be the one to give out awards, your company is perceived differently.

Wait, what? As a founder, you create the world around you. You can create your own awards.

Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.

Steve Jobs

Molo9™ now has two entrepreneurship awards that you can learn more about over here.

Take action:

  1. Decide what you want to give to those who win your award (typically free access to your product or service for a period of time).
  2. Decide how frequently you want to give the award away (once per year, once per quarter or once per month).
  3. Create an application process & publish it.
  4. Add “Awards” to the header of your website.
  5. Invite people who inspire you, to apply.
  6. Be VERY VERY VERY careful with who you choose to have win the award, the winner’s achievements will speak VOLUMES about your brand. If your brand fascination score is Prestige or Power, you need to make sure that the recipient of your award matches this.

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