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Create a careers page

When you use certain career portals you are given a subdomain on another company’s website.

This means that every time someone looks at your job openings you are improving the session time & therefore the Search Engine Rankings for another company.

When you create a careers page using a tool like GoHire, you can embed all of your career openings into your own company’s website. When you make this small change, your Search Engine Rankings improve because job hunters are spending time on your company’s website.

Take action:

  1. Setup an account with GoHire or someone similar. GoHire is just the one we use, you can click here to get 1 month FREE.
  2. Create 3-5 jobs, even if they are just unpaid internships.
  3. You could take it one step further and post non-existent job openings that would be read and applied to by people within your target market. Example: if you created a software solution for soccer coaches, post job openings for soccer coaches to get them reading about your startup. When they do land a job, they may remember your software and use it. (Yes marketing companies do this to young marketing agency owners all the time, I sat on the other side of this table many times early on in my career.)

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