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How to reverse engineer your competitor’s content using MD9™’s content evaluation worksheet

Specific tactics can be used to convince someone to buy, do or be almost anything. Agencies like the CIA & Mi6 use these tactics to create local spies in foreign countries. Marketers who specialize in something called Behavioral Marketing, use these tactics to identify, recruit and build armies of loyal buyers.

Think about Aston Martin, Apple, Omega & Armani. They are all premium brands with cult-like loyal buyers. This framework walks you through how to evaluate any piece of content (yours or your competitors) to extract the data needed to reach your goal.

In chapter one of the course, High Converting Content: A Crash Course for Ambitious Entrepreneurs, you learn the mathematics behind how I identify which of your competitor’s content is worth studying. Here we will walk through how to evaluate that content.

Here is the content evaluation worksheet:

Take Action:

  1. Print off several copies of the content evaluation worksheet embedded above.
  2. Use SpyFu’s Top Pages Tool to identify the top pages worth evaluating (video tutorial embedded below).
  3. Open the top 3-10 pages with the noticeably better metrics & analyze each one of them using the content evaluation worksheet.
  4. You should notice that the pieces of content that are performing the best have some things in common. What are they? How can you add them to your own content?

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  1. Where in the funnel do you believe the reader of the content is expected to be?
  2. What demographic & psychographic information can you deduce about the intended reader?
  3. Which conversion copywriting formula was used by the author? 
  4. Which psychological triggers did the author include in the piece?

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